Thursday, December 27, 2012

Au Revoir Jack Jack!

Now the 3rd post about Jack Jack!! haha

Now I'm going to talk about some of the features of MX230. Let me bring you go through a short brief of MX230. MX230 is the new device launched by P1 and is a MiFi device. It has a sleek and lean design, the weight is lighter than you expected if based on the photo you see in the website, the size is small which is only like your palm size or maybe smaller because my palm is small. haha

MY Palm Size =)
Oh ya, I haven't talk about this in my previous posts which is the number of WiFi clients who can connect to the same device at the same time. For the MF230 device (you can check it through their website), there's 5 people who are allowed to connect to it and you feel amazed by this? Now for MX230, you can ask 7 friends of yours to connect to it at the same time which is 8 people included you are allowed to connect at the same time! Though I have not tried to let 7 people to "get close" with my Jack Jack but 3 friends of mine have connected to MX230 at the same time and the connnection is fast with 4 people using at the same time! In this modern society, people search for WiFi signal everywhere they go. With this, your friends will stick to you all the time and don't get freak out! LOL Sharing is Caring, apply it in your daily life ya! =P

Now, the battery life. MX230 can last for around 7 to 8 hours after a fully charged. For a internet heavy user like me who surf facebook, twitter and instagram everyday AND go out almost everyday, this is an average battery life for me. BUT for people who go out less than 8 hours a day, this is a nice one! *a friendly reminder: if you are going to put it in your pants pocket for more than 5 hours, you will feel a little heat so take it out and let it to "breathe"." =)

Here's some tips if you are going to get one or more MX230! You can now get some discounts by signing up to P1 "ToGo69" plan  by online and get an additional RM 50 rebate! ;)

Any enquiries about P1 or their MiFi devices, feel free to contact them through P1 MiFi or their official facebook page P1 Facebook !

I'm going to return Jack Jack to it's BIG owner tomorrow, so please allow me to say Au Revoir Jack Jack! I'm going to miss your everyday companion to everywhere I go. 

You can read my previous 2 posts about Jack Jack (P1 MiFi MX230) here:

Ciao! <3

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Jack Jack Round 2! ;)

So here's the 2nd post of Jack Jack! ;)

I brought Jack Jack with me all the time even I go out just for a meal. oops! I'm a heavy internet user and I think the time I look at my phone is more than I sleep in a day. haha I'm a modern style people eh? =P

We can see that people nowadays have a smartphone on their hands no matter where and when, WiFi is also on the top of everyone's travel or outdoor list, so a on-the-do wifi device is what you need now! and for me, I have Jack Jack with me. wheee~ ;D

I brought Jack Jack to uni, to class, to mamak, to supermarket, to breakfast lunch dinner supper, to facial, to mall and to everywhere I go. He's like my MUST-BRING thing when I go out other than my S3 and purse. I use the wifi to check in through foursquare, twitter, facebook and of course INSTAGRAM to capture everything (foods, scenery, friends, etc..). With Jack Jack, I can online at anywhere anytime. =)

Oh, I brought Jack Jack with me to JLo concert too! He doesn't needs a ticket, he's not drinks or any recording devices, so he went in to watch the concert with me! The signal is so good at Stadium Merdeka and I can constantly update the JLo amazing moment on my twitter during the concert. You can read my amazing J Lo experience here J Lo Dance Again World Tour 2012 in Malaysia . 

In uni, honestly the uni wifi is not that strong especially in particular floor but Jack Jack saved my life on the last few weeks of my 2nd semester. Besides that, I can carry Jack Jack to anywhere because of it's size too. He's like a new born baby in IT world, small size and light weight which easy for me to carry around and that's the purpose of on-the-go device isn't it?
Small and Light which I can fit it into my pocket. ;)

The signal is green even in the car! ;)

After I talked for so long, Jack Jack is actually a P1 latest launched device P1 MiFi MX230! You can now get Jack Jack's friends by signing up to P1 "ToGo69" plan and get additional RM 50 rebate if you sign up through online. =)

Any enquiries feel free to browse through their website P1 MiFi or their FB page P1 Facebook . ;D

Monday, December 10, 2012

My new friend - Jack Jack ;)


So after 2 weeks, I'm finally going to write about this!

Back to 2 weeks ago, my friend drove me to P1 office to get the one and only latest P1 MiFi MX230! I've been chosen to be 1 of the 15 lucky bloggers to review this small size modem. ;)

At that night, I unwrapped the box and start to download everything that is needed. I used few different modem before from "M", "D" and few more, so is not difficult for me to set up this little thing. To be honest, I was surprised by that time I got the MiFi on hand, it was smaller than I was expected because of the photo that I saw it on the group or the website. 

The design of P1 MiFi MX230 is kind of classic, the black and silver colours make the MiFi looks sleek and lean. The size is another highlight, is in a square shape (69mm x 69mm) and the thickness 13mm makes it easy to brings it with you everywhere you go. Of course with the amazing size, the weight is not going to let you down too, the 75grams MiFi won't makes you feel heavy or troublesome carries around. All these features are designed for the purpose of letting the users to use it on-the-go. ;)

*the name P1 MiFi MX230 is too long for me, so I'm going to give it a name - Jack Jack (no special reason, just feels like this name is cute and cool) =P *

The P1 MiFi MX230 is here!

the sleek design of MX230

Palm size which is suitable for on-the-go
You can now get this little cutie with the "ToGo 69" plan from P1 and get additional RM50 rebate by signing up online!

I'm going to talk about my hands on experience with Jack Jack in the next post! stay tuned! ;)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

J Lo Dance Again World Tour 2012 in Malaysia


Just 2 days before my birthday, mom got me 2 tickets to the One and Only J Lo (Jennifer Lopez) Dance Again World Tour 2012 in Malaysia! whoops!!

I dressed up lightly with a shorts and t-shirt, brought my purse, P1 MiFi, my S3 and the tickets to the concert. I thought is fine to wear slipper to there because in Stadium Merdeka I wouldn't step on the grass or mud BUT suddenly the rain strikes and I was under the rain for hours, so apparently I have to walk through the muddy grass outside the Stadium and I looked super awful on that day. =.=

My mood was spoiled because of the rain and I wasn't really into J Lo so we just find a spot and settle down to wait for the show to starts. The show was scheduled to starts at 8pm but just so you know Malaysia style, the show started at 9pm. From the place I sit, I can barely see the stage and there's some idiots that have glass for their 3 meals, standing in front and BLOCK the whole view. The 2 fellas in front of me dancing like they are in their house and my mood was totally spoiled. 

Put aside all those stupid fella and bad things, J Lo did gave us a GREAT performance at that night. Though she is in her 40s now but trust me, she is still attractive and sexy. Her dancing and singing are amazing, with the dancers on the stage, is like added the icing on the cake, makes the show nicer. One of the highlights of the night was her costumes, she changed 5/6 costumes in the 2 hours concert and her costumes are all so gorgeous, the sparkling sports attire, the catsuit, the blue long gown and few more. Another highlight of the night was the hot and breathe taking dance of J Lo with her boyfriend Casper Smart at the end of the concert with the encore song Dance Again. I screamed and was amazed when Casper appeared and dance with her in the last song of the night. ;D

*from Galaxy Group fb*

*from Galaxy Group fb*

*From Galaxy Group fb*
*From Galaxie Magazine fb*

Dance Again video recorded by Tian Chad, enjoy the encore song of the night and her dance with Casper! ;)

Well, I can say I had a great night with J Lo first concert in Malaysia and I would go if she's coming back again for another world tour. haha After the night, I realized I enjoy to be in a concert and feel the supportive screams of the crowd. I'm considering to go for another concert now, maybe Lee Hom concert next year? haha 

A night with screaming and shouting will makes you forget all those problems that bother you, so why not? spend a night with friends or your loved ones to relax yourself! ;)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Rise of The Guardians


I'm going to write a review of a movie! or maybe not, just the thoughts of mine after watching this movie. Rise of The Guardians!

First, this is an awesome movie, not saying that this can be compared to those big cast movie like batman trilogy or avatar but this movie moved me.

This movie is about the 4 guardians of the children all around the world, they bring hope and happiness to the children but a boogeyman (Pitch) appears to destroy and smash the children sweet dreams and they started to feel hopeless about the easter bunny and tooth fairy. Until the Man in the Moon choose the handsome cool guy "Jack Frost" to be the one of the Guardians to save and protect the sweet dream and the hope of the children. In the end, the bad one fights with the good one then tadaa! Happy Ending!! The world is full of hope and happiness again! ;D

The Guardians!!
(Jack Frost, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Sandy) 

Jack Frost!! <3

Pitch the Boogeyman

I believe most of the lil kid used to believe that Santa Claus and Christmas do exist in the world and some of us even stay up late on Christmas eve just want to see if Santa Claus will comes and brings presents to us. Well, maybe not all kids but I used to do that with my sisters when I was small. I still remember that my sister and I always go searched for a nice socks (with lace somemore xD) and put beside the pillow because we have nothing to hang on in the room then we started to wait but of course we have never seen Santa Claus nor the socks will have presents inside. As time goes by, I started to know that Santa Claus is just a myth that creates by the adults or we read it from the books and is not a real person that will crawls into the chimney into the kid's house. The thing here is not that the adults lie to us or the kid will get sad when he didn't get to see Santa Claus, is that we used to have hope when we were small and if some parents are good enough, they will even be the "real life Santa" that give presents to their child. When we still have hope, we feel happy because we believe that what we think will happens although it might be not but we are still hoping. Just like me, though I know Santa that lives in the north pole does not exists, but I still smile when I reminisce that silly moment I had with my sisters.

Sometimes, when you believe, it will happens. When you fear, you will be overwhelm with darkness. Don't be sad when things didn't go on your way, but be happy and smile to think of what you have done to make the things you wish to be happen in real life. It might be silly when you think of next time, but don't you think that is a nice memory too? =)

Believe it! ;)


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Short Update!


My last post was a MONTH before this. Wow that's actually quite a long time but ya, I'm back again!

Nothing much, just a short update what's going on with me in the month of disappearance-in-blogging-world.

Hmmmm.. I have bought a necklace for the 3 little amazing charms that my bestie gave me a month ago. You can check out the post here -> Thank You! ;)

the Necklace! <3

Apart from all the crazy overload assignments that make me breathless, finally I have a getaway to the beach on the last weekends! So my family went to Sepang Gold Coast again for the celebration of my mom's bday and I was decided to go just few days before the vacation because of my academic stuff. We went there and have a 2 days of relaxing day. Wait, maybe not me because I have to rush for my assignments which the due date is on Monday but my family did enjoyed the trip. I would rather to stay in the villa and to the beach if I go there again because just the villa with the view of the sea and sunset/sunrise is already breathtaking. =)

"ah Keh" followed me to Gold Coast! his 1st trip! =P

Today, I went to P1 office and took the MiFi modem for the bloggers review project. This is my 1st review as being a blogger, I hope it would be a good one and I'm looking forward to reviewing it! Stay tune for the following posts of the review ya! ;)

After the 5 assignments dateline on Monday and with all the hassles of passing up the assignments on that day, we can finally have some time to relax and start planning for our sem break plans!

Ciao! ;D

*p/s: I'm learning french*

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thank You! ;)

While I'm in the process of writing a life lesson post, I've decided to write a short thank you post for one of the important people in my life.

I always received lot of letters or packages from different company for those competition I had participated in but today, I've received a special letter from a friend who stays 9222.1 miles from me and that means a lot to me seriously. When I saw the word "Lincoln" and the stamp, I know is her. =)

She WROTE the letter by hand and 3 meaningful charms are attached with the letter. Just like the 1st sentence in the letter, I'm really surprised by the presence of the letter by her. haha
She gave a lot of supports during my hard times especially few weeks ago. She is also my listener, my Best Friend Forever, my sister from another mother, a special person in my life. =)

Know what? I will never let her go. hahaha sounds so gay but this is true, I can't imagine what will happens if I lost any friends because they really mean a lot to me and they are the one the give me motivation and inspiration everytime when I'm lost. 

Thanks a lot Marissa aka orang utan aka so po! ;)

2 months ago I wrote this Bye Sasa and now I write this for you. Words can't describe how much I love my friend and of course my BFF! Stay happy too and take care of yourself at there!! Play hard, Work hard also ya! ;)

Letters and Charms ;)



 *remember this for life* ;)

Sunday, September 30, 2012



Today, is the day that every single ones will spend it with their loved ones -  family, friends or lover. Mid Autumn Festival which also called 中秋节 by the Chinese always gives a feeling of warmness and represents the meaning of reunion or together. Different countries have their own culture on celebrating Mid Autumn Festival. Taiwan celebrates it by having some sort of reunion dinner or BBQ together with the family members or friends. In Malaysia, we celebrate it in a simple way, tea and mooncake are the important things that can't be missed on the table on the day. The family usually will have the table set at the garden in the house compound, and have few friends or family members to sit together and enjoy the night with the tea, mooncakes and the BIG moon. No matter how you celebrates the day, as long as you feel the love and feel the bond between you and your loved ones, you are in the part of this meaningful festival. ;)

Few days ago, I felt the love and excited too because I finally have time to meet with 2 of my friends from National Service (NS). It's been almost 2 years since we came out from the camp and no doubt that we are still good friends and forever will be. We didn't feel any awkward or uncomfortable, we still can talk like how we were in NS and catch up with each other's current life. Though it's just a short catch up session, but that's enough for us to maintain this precious relationship. They were the one who by my side for 2months+, the first person we see every morning was each other, the last person we see before we get into bed was each other too for the continuous 2 months +, how can we not close to each other?

I will treasure our friendship and we will have more outing soon I believe!! <3

Chai Yin =)

Min Jia <3

Group Pica! <3 <3

Happy Mid Autumn Festival everyone!! ;)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Maybank- Legoland Bloggers Contest

Hiyaaa!!! after a long struggle on what to post, I found this  Maybank Legoland Bloggers Contest

I got pulled in by the title and of course as a blogger, I'm thinking "Why not give it a try?"

So, the question is, why Maybank should give me tickets to Legoland?

know what? I've been dreaming a lot when I was small that how good if there is a genius build a Lego Castle or Lego Bungalow or Lego Cafe in the real world? or some magician make me into a little dwarf so I can play in the Lego buildings I built. 

I still clearly remember that when I was small, I used to bug my parents to buy lego for me and of course parents never let their child down and here goes my journey of Lego World. At the starting, I only know how to stack those lego by stacking it one by one on the little circle thing and make a line. Slowly as time goes by, I started to be a little inventor or builder, try to make a little cafe or house by using those colourful lego bricks and made few trees or flowers (the flowers are small little one to put on the circle thing). 

The little circle on top (for you to stack another lego on it)
*image credits to*

I love it when Lego came out with those lego with eyes on it, and the little lego human which the legs and arms can move freely. I started to build more and more houses, cafe and different kind of buildings by started it with the base and I still have the green colour base keep it till now! After that, put in the lego human as the customer or a lego family. Everything is basically the same as playing barbie doll by I'm a little different, I played with Lego! Sometimes, my little sister will use her barbie doll and act like a goddess fairy to help my lego human. haha isn't that cute?

This is the sample and most likely of what I used to built when I was small.
*image credits to LEGO website*

Lego has become my childhood, it defined the happiness when I was a little kid. FYI, I still have the lego in my basket which keeps all my toys. *winks*

Now, my dream came true, Legoland is there waiting for me to continue my happiness and try to brings out the little angle in me! I am anticipating to go to Legoland and enjoy a day of becoming the "lego human"! =D

Stay tune and pray that you can see my blogpost about my journey at the Real Life Legoland! ;)

Sunday, September 9, 2012



If you are from Malaysia, and I want you to use a word to describe Malaysia, I guess it might be "HOT"!! No?? "Food"?? You know what, Imma satisfy both side, the combination of HOT weathers and Food! *awesome*

There is lot of desserts shops around, one by one springing up like mushroom after the rain. In a row of shops, 5 of them are desserts shop, but only few can survive in this intense competitive market. 
To satisfy my craving or to COOL myself in this crazy hot weather, I'm force to find some cooling desserts. *ya, force by weather XD* Since I'm living in Puchong, the nearest place I can go is puchong boulevard. That is a place with a lot of foods and beverages, Hungry? That's the place for you. One of my fav desserts shop at that place is SNOWFLAKE!! 

Snowflake is a Taiwanese Desserts shop that can satisfy all your craves of ICY desserts and some cooling drinks. My snowflake virginity was took by my sis when she brought the whole family to the first outlet which is located at Subang. Since that day, I'm officially in love with Snowflake. My first and MUST order from the menu is a the Best Seller - the combination of the taiwan special taro balls, everyone's fav black pearl, and my all time fav Grass Jelly on top of the ice. It serves in hot too if you are catching a cold and still want a bite of the yummy dessert. 

The Best Seller
*credits to Snowflake fb*

They have variety of choices too other than the ice series. They have Tohua series which comes in Hot and Cold, Soya Ice series, Sea Amber Jelly, and various drinks - Pearl Milk Tea, Fruit Tea, Lime Jade Jelly Green Tea, Jasmine Green Tea etc etc.

Sea Amber Jelly

Latest add on in the menu
Ocha'ryo'! ( Premium green tea ice + sesame balls + red bean + pearls)
Lime Jade Jelly Green Tea

Pearl Milk Tea

Snowflake always introduces lot of new desserts and promotions to rewards the loyal and amazing customers! Oh ya, they have reward card for customers to collect stamps and once you've collect 10 stamps, you get a complimentary dessert. =) They have outlets all around Malaysia - Subang, Mid Valley, Kuchai Lama, Paradigm Mall, Puchong and many many more, a pair hands and legs are not enough for that! >=)

Reward Card

Check out their website or facebook for promotions/events/new outlets/extra info!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sweet Day


Just a short post about how great my day was today. haha

Get to know from my friend few days ago that Vitamin Water is actually available in Malaysia. He told me is available in The Gardens Cold Storage and I remember that. Until today, finally I have time to go Mid Valley  and hunt for the Vitamins Water I've been hunger for. hahaha
and guess what? I look up and down, left and right and tadaa! Vitamin Water is on the top of the shelf but the only dissatisfaction is it has only 1 flavour which is Dragon Fruit but since I've never tried before so I can't ask for more, just grab it without hesitation and head to the cashier.
Just if you guys are wondering why I was searching for this for so long and what is vitamin water, here's a short explanation.
First, I must admit that the endorsement strategy is worked on me as Jessie J is the endorser for Vitamin Water but I won't just longed for it because of that. I've heard from my friends who had tried this before, their reviews are all positive and I knew that lot of citizens in UK are drinking this everyday like water.
So what is Vitamin Water? from wikipedia:VitaminWater consists of vapor distilleddeionized, and/or reverse osmosis filtered water; crystalline fructose (derived from corn syrup) as a sweetener; citric acidelectrolytes; natural flavors; and vitamins, including Vitamin CB3B5B6B12, and E.
Well, vitamin water, literally is a water with different vitamins in it. errr. basically is a water with natural flavour but full of vitamins, is like you can get a,b,c,d vitamins in just a bottle of water. They have 2 kind of vitamin water, Vitamin Water and Vitamin Water Zero. They have Power-C, Attention, Power, XXX etc etc, you can take a look at their website. Oh, and they have various flavours too.
Vitamin Water in various flavours

and I got myself the only flavour available here.

Vitamin Water Power-C (Dragon Fruit)
it's got zinc and vitamin c to help support your immune system
Another good news is coming up next! 

I was talking to Aquila, an amazing staff in SAYS about some problems in campaign link and suddenly I heard "honk" outside my house and a postman delivered a box of something that weight 1.4kg. At that moment I was scratching my head trying to recall since when I've won smth from SAYS that required delivery. The moment I opened the box, BOOM! a box of candies and a little note inside. It was a sweet surprised from the SAYS team for rewarding me to be such an awesome loyal user. *blush* LOL

a box of candies and lovely note from The SAYS team

Haha. the benefits of being such a loyal user of SAYS eh. Apparently I can't finish it all, so my sis will be honoured to share it with me. Lol *good sister* xD

So wait what? Join SAYS now and get tones of benefits and rewards just like me! 
Join here --> and start sharing!

Now, I realize is not "short" at all but ya, hope you enjoy the pleasing moment just like I do. =)

Cheers! ;)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Oppa Gone Wild

Op Op Op.....

From that, I BET you all already know what am I going to talk about. Ya you are right, the latest viral video Gangnam Style. I think video is more appropriate as there are tones and tones of videos about the people all around the WORLD are imitating the moves of this mid age korean singer - PSY.


Imma post few that I think is not bad in imitating the original one, and some not only imitate the moves but came out with the all new lyrics with the same rhythm.

Lets start with the original Gangnam Style:

And now you know how's the original version looks like, 2nd one would be MALAYSIA Super Kampung Style. This was created by Fly FM deejays and I personally thinks that this is quite nice! They always create lot of parody and all are DOPE! ;) #malaysianstyle

Here's another one by Malaysia 8e-news.

That oppa even went to US now. So here's the Oppa Chicago Style. Though I don't understand what they are singing but this guy can sing! haha

Here's a slightly inappropriate parody of Gangnam Style in Taiwan. Don't worry, they are too good to put on subtitle for whoever that doesn't understand chinese/hokkien.

Not only the public but the celebrities are joining the heat of Gangnam Style just like Nelly Furtado.

errr. the next one is singaporean style, basically is all about singapore and they didn't do the horse dance or whatsover. Gentle Reminder: click the "cc" at the down right side for subtitle or else you won't understand what they are singing.

SO, this is the last one which is from Malaysia too. They have Jay Park and Bruno Mars in it, watch till the end and you will know. Well, Sabahan did this and enjoy!

btw, here's one version that I don't really like it when the the girl is in. PSY with Hyuna

I don't get it why this is sooooooo popular as it carries no meaning in this song and this is tooooooo much in the internet recently.
but still, enjoy some of the parody. Some are quite creative isn't it?
*I still prefer the Super Kampung Style* ;D

Friday, August 24, 2012

Katy Perry: Part Of Me review

This is a movie review for Katy Perry: Part Of Me !

So, I received a call from Red FM this afternoon to informed that I just won a pair of tix for the movie Part Of Me 3D. That was indeed a good news because I can watch movie for free, is a 3D passes and since my parents are not at home, my dinner is settled! So I told my sis and I took bus to Mid Valley to meet her for dinner and movie.

Basically this is a documentary about Katy Perry's life on and off stage. At the intro to the movie, there's a violin version of "Part Of Me" and I just hum that song to myself. You know, music can kinda controls you sometimes, even in a cinema. lol

If any of you have watched Justin Bieber Never Say Never movie before, this Katy Perry movie/documentary is more or less the same as that. Tbh, I didn't watch Justin Bieber's movie from the beginning till the ending, but I think I would prefer Katy Perry's one *no offend*. This movie documented her dream since she was small. She was up bringing in a Christian family which her father and mother are kinda strict to 3 of their children and what they listened to all the time were just Gospel music even when she got her 1st guitar, the music she composed were all gospel music until one day she had a chance to get out from her own world and listened to music other than gospel music, her life changed. She started to pursuits her dream, left her home to LA and signed under Glen Ballard, a producer.

She went through different countries in 365 days for her California Dreams Tour. Certainly, that's not an easy job, Even a superman needs a day or more to rest, so does Katy Perry. Her tour was overwhelmed with glamorous dresses, amazing crew, colourful stage deco, thousands and thousands of crazy fans(Katy Cats) and nevertheless the dream of the one and only Katy Perry.

There is a part in the movie is about the relationship of her with her ex-husband Russell Brand. That was the part which almost makes me cry. You can see the love sparkling between them. During the tour, Katy tried her best to spent her few rest days to fly to wherever Russell was just to show that she does care and make an effort to keep this going. She had thought that is bullsh*t when people said they have to choose between career and relationship but in reality, she has to and that leads to the what we can see now, divorce. In the movie, she break down during the tour at Brazil. That was a heartache moment when she's crying but still has to fake a smile at the moment on the stage. This is her, her goal is to make every single fans to carry a smile while listening to her singing. In the interview, can see that she still miss those days and miss him, but in reality everything just can't be perfect, you just have to sacrifice something in order to get another thing.
Somehow, I think they made a great couple. =)

There are few artists that gave their supports to Katy such as Adele, Jessie J and few more. =) Since this is a documentary about her, of course there would be songs in it too. Everytime when a song played in the movie, I feel like singing along but DUH, is a cinema of course I won't. Lol Every song lyrics of her, there are meanings behind. Not only for her songs but I believe most of the artists' songs are the same. Song isn't just there for you to listen and thats all, it somehow connects us to the inner side of the singers and it speaks out our own feelings sometimes.

To me, a singer's big satisfaction is that the listener could appreciate what he/she did off the stage, appreciate the songs and link yourself to the songs. For Katy Perry, what she has now is certainly not overnight success, she did a lot and sacrifice a lot for herself to come this far. We might not see their efforts, but please give some credits to them and respect them.

Now, I have so much respect to this lady -  Katy Perry.
*ps: she looks fab even without makeup!* ;)

I feel inspiring, uplifting and I recommend you to watch this movie/documentary no matter if you are a fans of her or just want to listen to her music.
This movie is released in Malaysia on 30 August 2012.

This, is a dream of a California Girl.

Katy Perry: Part Of Me 3D Premiere Screening

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Amazing Week with Videos and Music

Hiyaa!! Finally a new post!
First of all, allowed me to shout loudly! Presentations are DONE! the busy and nervous week is finally over!

Last Tuesday, we were honoured to attend a sharing session of our SUPER senior(2006) Quek Shio Chuan. He's also the winner for BMW shorties 2011 with his inspiring 14 mins short film "Guang". This video was filmed based on his brother in real life who has autism and attention deficiency disorder and he wanted to create more awareness to the public about Autism. In the short film, Kyo Chen played as his brother who has autism and he has a special "skill" which he told us it called  "Perfect Pitch". Wondering what's that? watch the video then. =) This short film was granted the Best Screenplay Award, Best Actor Award and Best Sound Design Award in BMW Shorties 2011 and had won few international awards recently! *Congratz!* He came to shared his experiences in the media field and some tips on how to "survive" in this field. haha He showed us his latest production which is this year PetronasTVC for  Hari Raya - "Strangers". This is indeed a heartwarming TVC by Petronas. FYI, this video was taken at Uzbekistan. I remember he said 
"if you want to produce a good film, be sure to have enough budget. If no budget, then write a good script. If don't have a good script, get a good actor/actress to make the film good. If don't have good actor/actress, get a good editing skill." This is somehow quite true! remember that ya my friends! =) 
Well, a lady who's a producer at Reservoir Production came out to share about her own experiences and showed us a TVC of Bernas that was produced by her! I can't deny that I was actually moved by that short film and tears were rolling in my eyes.
You can watch the 2 short films by Quek here - Guang and Strangers
THe TVC of Bernas - The Journey
Enjoy! <3
Poster for "Guang"

"Guang" goes international! ;D

On friday, I've attended an amazing street music festival with a bunch of amazing coursemates! The theme for this music festival is "用马来西亚的金曲来说爱你"! they are going on a tour around Malaysia and this time they are at Jaya One! We were all excited for this and each of us went hyper and sing along with the performer and the crowd. Oh ya, we brought metal spoon as part of the musical instruments and guess what? We didn't know that metal spoons can create such a nice sound! We enjoyed playing around with our metal spoons and singing along with them. The performers for that day - Geraldine, 赵洁莹, 张德盛,周金亮 and the special guest 关德辉!!! There's a special performance by 手集团 and 2 guys with a nice song "候鸟归". There are lot of songs that are popular in everywhere and sing by popular artists but we don't know that they are actually written or produced by Malaysians! *proud" ;D

All the performers of the night! =)
My BFF in degree! <3

You can check from this facebook page - Malaysian Music 2012 to keep in touch with whatever that happens in this special project. You can join in the event if they are coming to your place! =)

I want to introduce a new song by Geraldine and 赵洁莹 which I'm currently addicted to it! BFF!


Friday, August 10, 2012

London Olympic 2012 Google Doodle

hiyaa!! After a busy week with all assignments due date crash together, finally I'm feeling sexy and free, like glitters raining on me~ =)

1st, my friend lost my laptop adapter and apparently he didn't realize that he forget to take it home with him until I asked him at night. I was quite angry as 1st as my laptop had been used for the whole day to rush for assignments until it has 7% battery left. AND I was having headache and still annoyed by sleep deprived, but I can't scold a friend like shyt so I just calm down and was expecting him to buy a new one or get me a new one in any way he could think of since I think it won't be there anymore if you go look for it on the next day. Malaysia right? I was overslept on the next day so I followed my dad and I walked from UTAR to SS2 Mall, the craziest thought I had at that time really amazed me. Lol with my just-recovered-knee, I walked to there and spent my 2hrs + without doing anything. Don't get me wrong, I want to help but I have no laptop to do anything so I was just spending my time at there resting. Well, at the end of the day, my friend bought me a new adapter, though is bigger than my previous one, but at least it can be use right? and I'm sorry if  I have throw tantrum to anyone or being impolite on that day as I was feeling so uncomfortable that day with the knee ache and headache.

Lets get into some exciting or maybe not topic. Do you guys realize of the google doodle recently? It was quite cool as I can play around with it. It's a interactive google doodle for the London Olympic 2012. The 1st game was Hurdles sport, you have to run and jump over the obstacles as fast as you can.

I gt 11.9 sec. =)
The 2nd day was a basketball game, you have to press the space bar to shoot the basketball and you will be going backward slowly, it makes the game harder.
This is not my highest score, my highest was 42 but that evidence is in my sis laptop .
The 3rd day was a rowing game. you have to keep pressing left and right to balance and control the direction of your canoe to reach the end. The more you hit on the stones, side, or lil monster/fish, the more crack you will see your canoe has. The best I can do for this is just 15.7 sec. haha

15.7 sec babe! =)
today, the 4th day google doodle is a football game. Tbh I felt quite boring at 1st as you just have to go left and right and jump to defence. Since I feel quite boring now, so I go and play again trying to get a higher marks or get 3 medals and know what?? I was underestimate the level of this game. I've tried and tried and tried yet I still get 41 which is only 2 medals. I guess it has to be at least 50 to get 3 medals? awww..

41 not bad? 

I'm quite hooked up with this Olympic google doodle recently and keep competing with friends. haha All I can say is Good Job to Google team and hope to see more interesting and adrenaline pumping games such as archery? badminton? *started to feel excited* LOL

So all of you, think you've missed out the previous fun interactive google doodle sports games? Don't worry, click THIS LINK and you can play any games you feel like want to challenge OR refer to the specific link of each game in the pictures and type it into the tab and there you go! Start to compete with your friends and be a Gold Medalist! ;)

Goodbye and have a good eve! =)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Bye Sasa! =)

Woke up in the early morning around 6am just to send my friend off to US. Nah, is not just friend, is more like the sister from another mother/Bestie/BFF !!

We knew each other since primary school. I still can clearly remember that my math was totally bulls**t in my primary school life, until my teacher (can't stand with that LOL!) ask her to sit beside me and be my "lil teacher". That's how we met and become friends! I'm still so thankful that  my teacher made this great decision as I've improved my math after that and most important we become friends! =)

Until secondary school, we were assigned to the same school and we joined Girl Guide together! (we are destined to stay together) xD We have been through lot of ups and downs together throughout the years in secondary school life, and that's deffo a memorable and unforgettable one in my memories. We been to camp together, outing, lunch, trip, cry together and many many more.  We are unbreakable even after graduated from high school, we still had lunch sometimes and well, we shop groceries too. hahaha 

Oh ya, we've been through lot of our First Time together too. Lol The 1st passenger that NEARLY get hurts by her, I meant physically. The scene in carpark is forever in my mind but I didn't blame her of course! =) the 1st passenger that scream and shout just because of a roundabout. (you need some historical context for this). =P Car broke down and we were stranded, staying at Starbucks waiting for his dad for few hours. She gave me my 1st roller skate experience, brought me to tried foods from different places, watched ghost movie like a boss and etc etc. There's too much to say. 

and now, today, she's leaving to US for 2 years +. That might sounds short for some of you, but is like ages for me. No one will come to fetch me to lunch and stop at another building ask me to walk, no one will ask me to accompany her to buy this and that, no one will watch horror movie like a boss with me, no one will drive up to kampar just to give surprise to a friend, no one will ask me to buy paul frank with her, no one will do the blur blur look to me, no one will take my camera and try to delete her candid photos, no one will capture all my stupid-look photo, no one will jio me  go mv just to eat Popeye with her, no one will do this and that with me for 2 years +. awwww.

We might not know each other super well, but we understand each other. We know we can count on each other whenever we have any problems. We know we will still keep in touch and will never lost contact because of the technology advancement though she'll be there for 2 years +! I will stay up to anytime to skype with her despite of the Huge time difference! See, I'm a Good Friend! =)

Today, I've surprised her at the airport with my appearance as I told her yesterday that I can't make it due to transport problem. We didn't cry like water pipe can't turn off but we know we will miss each other BADLY in this 2 years +. *perasan*

Friends For Life! <3

You know you still can whatsapp me, tweet me, fb inbox me, skype me anytime you feel down and need a listener. =) Don't be too blur at there and don't let others to bully you ah! You are allowed to cry anytime you want and laugh as much as you can. *whisper* you are allowed to stalk any guai lou too. lol 

Take Care ya Marissa Tham Sze Min aka Sasa! waiting to see you after 2 years! Don't ever forget me. >=)

Your 12 years and still counting Best Friend! =)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Knee Injured

This post contains of scary, frighten, uncomfortable contents, please be alert that people with heart problems, pregnant woman are bla bla bla bla bla.
ok, I'm just joking. BUT enjoy reading! haha

So basically, last wednesday I went for badminton with coursemates and unfortunately I sprained my knee. Well, that was a normal thing for me as this is quite unexplainable but my knee always suffers from cannot straighten it, like when I woke up, walk half way, any possible and silly way you can think of. It just happened naturally.

So for me, I thought this time is just like the old times, so I don't really take it seriously but the weird thing is it's getting pain and more pain as days pass by. I have a trip which we've planning earlier on Saturday, is like a farewell trip for Marissa as she's leaving to US next monday. On friday, I realize that my knee started to swollen and is quite obvious and definitely PAIN like hell. I was just hoping that it will gets better on the next day as I really really really extremely don't want to missed the trip. The worst thing happened. Around 12am, I gt to bed and wish to sleep early but the leg started to sore like nobody's business and when I tried to go get myself a water, I fall down and I realize I CAN'T EVEN STAND UP. the pain is too unbearable until I breakdown and started to burst out all my tears. I turning here and there trying to make myself feel better but apparently it doesn't works, so I just force myself to sleep and in a blink of an eye, the day is here.

Morning, I knew my condition, I can't go for the trip because I can't even walk properly, like nt even for a small step. So I told them I can't go which I feel so bad and upset bout that. Then my dad brought me to clinic. The doctor said my joint injured and he sucked out all those "bad blood" inside my knee and put bandage on my knee. I was advised not to walk too much so I was just like a handicap sitting there for the whole day facing the tv and lappie. Even bathe also took me like half an hour and I don't even know whether I'm bathing or sweating.

My poor knee

Now my bandage has been taken off and I feel FREE. though still a little swollen and have to go back on monday to suck out the remaining blood, but I'm glad that I feel better now. =)

Thanks to everyone who ask and wish me to recover soon. Love ya. <3

Good Day everyone! ;)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises

Hiyaa!! I just watched Batman The Dark Knight rises on thursday with coursemates and broadcasting lecturer.

Well, this is the last movie of Batman series, and you know what? It's NICE! the plot is good, and Christian Bale is still as attractive as usual. There's 2 new character in this movie, Anne Hathaway Tom Hardy and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the lead actor in 500 Summers. aww. *fangirling* Lol

Christian Bale as the BATMAN of course, Anne Hathaway the Catwoman, Joseph the detective/Robin, and Tom Hardy the bad guy. This ep storyline is 8yrs after the Joker incident and Batman lock him
self in the Wayne Manor, he looks quite decadent in the front part of the movie. BUT he comes out as Batman again to save the world, just like the common storyline of those superheroes movie. 

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman

File:Bane Tom Hardy5.jpg
Tom Hardy as Bane
This last ep of batman series has creates lot of surprises and suspenses. what are those? I leave it for you to find out in cinema after you watch the movie. haha and a lil teaser, better watch the 2 ep before you go to cinema and watch this one, cuz you have to know some characters that have appeared before. 

Another selling point in this movie, the graphic? of course, but there's still some other thing that everyone MUST watch. The Batmobile! yup, the "tank" is here again! and you will see a new vehicle, Lamborghini Aventador! and a freaking DOPE motorcycle!


Lamborghini Aventador

A lil disappointment about the movie, the front part is quite draggy, it might drive you to the dreamland but bear with it, you will be wide awake after 1hr of the movie. I even forget to reply my friend's message because it's too good and stimulate your nerves until you can't be distracted. haha 
Go watch it in cinema, everyone! this is the last ep of Batman series! =)