Monday, December 10, 2012

My new friend - Jack Jack ;)


So after 2 weeks, I'm finally going to write about this!

Back to 2 weeks ago, my friend drove me to P1 office to get the one and only latest P1 MiFi MX230! I've been chosen to be 1 of the 15 lucky bloggers to review this small size modem. ;)

At that night, I unwrapped the box and start to download everything that is needed. I used few different modem before from "M", "D" and few more, so is not difficult for me to set up this little thing. To be honest, I was surprised by that time I got the MiFi on hand, it was smaller than I was expected because of the photo that I saw it on the group or the website. 

The design of P1 MiFi MX230 is kind of classic, the black and silver colours make the MiFi looks sleek and lean. The size is another highlight, is in a square shape (69mm x 69mm) and the thickness 13mm makes it easy to brings it with you everywhere you go. Of course with the amazing size, the weight is not going to let you down too, the 75grams MiFi won't makes you feel heavy or troublesome carries around. All these features are designed for the purpose of letting the users to use it on-the-go. ;)

*the name P1 MiFi MX230 is too long for me, so I'm going to give it a name - Jack Jack (no special reason, just feels like this name is cute and cool) =P *

The P1 MiFi MX230 is here!

the sleek design of MX230

Palm size which is suitable for on-the-go
You can now get this little cutie with the "ToGo 69" plan from P1 and get additional RM50 rebate by signing up online!

I'm going to talk about my hands on experience with Jack Jack in the next post! stay tuned! ;)


  1. Hi, would like to ask whether the battery is replaceable?

  2. @chorwin you can charge it when the battery is dead, is like your phone, there's a charger included in the box. =)

  3. Happy Birthday to you~~ in few days! :D
