Thursday, July 26, 2012

Knee Injured

This post contains of scary, frighten, uncomfortable contents, please be alert that people with heart problems, pregnant woman are bla bla bla bla bla.
ok, I'm just joking. BUT enjoy reading! haha

So basically, last wednesday I went for badminton with coursemates and unfortunately I sprained my knee. Well, that was a normal thing for me as this is quite unexplainable but my knee always suffers from cannot straighten it, like when I woke up, walk half way, any possible and silly way you can think of. It just happened naturally.

So for me, I thought this time is just like the old times, so I don't really take it seriously but the weird thing is it's getting pain and more pain as days pass by. I have a trip which we've planning earlier on Saturday, is like a farewell trip for Marissa as she's leaving to US next monday. On friday, I realize that my knee started to swollen and is quite obvious and definitely PAIN like hell. I was just hoping that it will gets better on the next day as I really really really extremely don't want to missed the trip. The worst thing happened. Around 12am, I gt to bed and wish to sleep early but the leg started to sore like nobody's business and when I tried to go get myself a water, I fall down and I realize I CAN'T EVEN STAND UP. the pain is too unbearable until I breakdown and started to burst out all my tears. I turning here and there trying to make myself feel better but apparently it doesn't works, so I just force myself to sleep and in a blink of an eye, the day is here.

Morning, I knew my condition, I can't go for the trip because I can't even walk properly, like nt even for a small step. So I told them I can't go which I feel so bad and upset bout that. Then my dad brought me to clinic. The doctor said my joint injured and he sucked out all those "bad blood" inside my knee and put bandage on my knee. I was advised not to walk too much so I was just like a handicap sitting there for the whole day facing the tv and lappie. Even bathe also took me like half an hour and I don't even know whether I'm bathing or sweating.

My poor knee

Now my bandage has been taken off and I feel FREE. though still a little swollen and have to go back on monday to suck out the remaining blood, but I'm glad that I feel better now. =)

Thanks to everyone who ask and wish me to recover soon. Love ya. <3

Good Day everyone! ;)

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