Thursday, November 22, 2012

Rise of The Guardians


I'm going to write a review of a movie! or maybe not, just the thoughts of mine after watching this movie. Rise of The Guardians!

First, this is an awesome movie, not saying that this can be compared to those big cast movie like batman trilogy or avatar but this movie moved me.

This movie is about the 4 guardians of the children all around the world, they bring hope and happiness to the children but a boogeyman (Pitch) appears to destroy and smash the children sweet dreams and they started to feel hopeless about the easter bunny and tooth fairy. Until the Man in the Moon choose the handsome cool guy "Jack Frost" to be the one of the Guardians to save and protect the sweet dream and the hope of the children. In the end, the bad one fights with the good one then tadaa! Happy Ending!! The world is full of hope and happiness again! ;D

The Guardians!!
(Jack Frost, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Sandy) 

Jack Frost!! <3

Pitch the Boogeyman

I believe most of the lil kid used to believe that Santa Claus and Christmas do exist in the world and some of us even stay up late on Christmas eve just want to see if Santa Claus will comes and brings presents to us. Well, maybe not all kids but I used to do that with my sisters when I was small. I still remember that my sister and I always go searched for a nice socks (with lace somemore xD) and put beside the pillow because we have nothing to hang on in the room then we started to wait but of course we have never seen Santa Claus nor the socks will have presents inside. As time goes by, I started to know that Santa Claus is just a myth that creates by the adults or we read it from the books and is not a real person that will crawls into the chimney into the kid's house. The thing here is not that the adults lie to us or the kid will get sad when he didn't get to see Santa Claus, is that we used to have hope when we were small and if some parents are good enough, they will even be the "real life Santa" that give presents to their child. When we still have hope, we feel happy because we believe that what we think will happens although it might be not but we are still hoping. Just like me, though I know Santa that lives in the north pole does not exists, but I still smile when I reminisce that silly moment I had with my sisters.

Sometimes, when you believe, it will happens. When you fear, you will be overwhelm with darkness. Don't be sad when things didn't go on your way, but be happy and smile to think of what you have done to make the things you wish to be happen in real life. It might be silly when you think of next time, but don't you think that is a nice memory too? =)

Believe it! ;)


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