Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Short Update!


My last post was a MONTH before this. Wow that's actually quite a long time but ya, I'm back again!

Nothing much, just a short update what's going on with me in the month of disappearance-in-blogging-world.

Hmmmm.. I have bought a necklace for the 3 little amazing charms that my bestie gave me a month ago. You can check out the post here -> Thank You! ;)

the Necklace! <3

Apart from all the crazy overload assignments that make me breathless, finally I have a getaway to the beach on the last weekends! So my family went to Sepang Gold Coast again for the celebration of my mom's bday and I was decided to go just few days before the vacation because of my academic stuff. We went there and have a 2 days of relaxing day. Wait, maybe not me because I have to rush for my assignments which the due date is on Monday but my family did enjoyed the trip. I would rather to stay in the villa and to the beach if I go there again because just the villa with the view of the sea and sunset/sunrise is already breathtaking. =)

"ah Keh" followed me to Gold Coast! his 1st trip! =P

Today, I went to P1 office and took the MiFi modem for the bloggers review project. This is my 1st review as being a blogger, I hope it would be a good one and I'm looking forward to reviewing it! Stay tune for the following posts of the review ya! ;)

After the 5 assignments dateline on Monday and with all the hassles of passing up the assignments on that day, we can finally have some time to relax and start planning for our sem break plans!

Ciao! ;D

*p/s: I'm learning french*

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