Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sweet Day


Just a short post about how great my day was today. haha

Get to know from my friend few days ago that Vitamin Water is actually available in Malaysia. He told me is available in The Gardens Cold Storage and I remember that. Until today, finally I have time to go Mid Valley  and hunt for the Vitamins Water I've been hunger for. hahaha
and guess what? I look up and down, left and right and tadaa! Vitamin Water is on the top of the shelf but the only dissatisfaction is it has only 1 flavour which is Dragon Fruit but since I've never tried before so I can't ask for more, just grab it without hesitation and head to the cashier.
Just if you guys are wondering why I was searching for this for so long and what is vitamin water, here's a short explanation.
First, I must admit that the endorsement strategy is worked on me as Jessie J is the endorser for Vitamin Water but I won't just longed for it because of that. I've heard from my friends who had tried this before, their reviews are all positive and I knew that lot of citizens in UK are drinking this everyday like water.
So what is Vitamin Water? from wikipedia:VitaminWater consists of vapor distilleddeionized, and/or reverse osmosis filtered water; crystalline fructose (derived from corn syrup) as a sweetener; citric acidelectrolytes; natural flavors; and vitamins, including Vitamin CB3B5B6B12, and E.
Well, vitamin water, literally is a water with different vitamins in it. errr. basically is a water with natural flavour but full of vitamins, is like you can get a,b,c,d vitamins in just a bottle of water. They have 2 kind of vitamin water, Vitamin Water and Vitamin Water Zero. They have Power-C, Attention, Power, XXX etc etc, you can take a look at their website. Oh, and they have various flavours too.
Vitamin Water in various flavours

and I got myself the only flavour available here.

Vitamin Water Power-C (Dragon Fruit)
it's got zinc and vitamin c to help support your immune system
Another good news is coming up next! 

I was talking to Aquila, an amazing staff in SAYS about some problems in campaign link and suddenly I heard "honk" outside my house and a postman delivered a box of something that weight 1.4kg. At that moment I was scratching my head trying to recall since when I've won smth from SAYS that required delivery. The moment I opened the box, BOOM! a box of candies and a little note inside. It was a sweet surprised from the SAYS team for rewarding me to be such an awesome loyal user. *blush* LOL

a box of candies and lovely note from The SAYS team

Haha. the benefits of being such a loyal user of SAYS eh. Apparently I can't finish it all, so my sis will be honoured to share it with me. Lol *good sister* xD

So wait what? Join SAYS now and get tones of benefits and rewards just like me! 
Join here --> and start sharing!

Now, I realize is not "short" at all but ya, hope you enjoy the pleasing moment just like I do. =)

Cheers! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, i'm Mariah. I'm selling VitaminWater online. We offer 6 flavors. Since I've read your blog, i thought that you might be interested to look at this.
    thanks & we welcome you!^^
