Monday, August 6, 2012

Bye Sasa! =)

Woke up in the early morning around 6am just to send my friend off to US. Nah, is not just friend, is more like the sister from another mother/Bestie/BFF !!

We knew each other since primary school. I still can clearly remember that my math was totally bulls**t in my primary school life, until my teacher (can't stand with that LOL!) ask her to sit beside me and be my "lil teacher". That's how we met and become friends! I'm still so thankful that  my teacher made this great decision as I've improved my math after that and most important we become friends! =)

Until secondary school, we were assigned to the same school and we joined Girl Guide together! (we are destined to stay together) xD We have been through lot of ups and downs together throughout the years in secondary school life, and that's deffo a memorable and unforgettable one in my memories. We been to camp together, outing, lunch, trip, cry together and many many more.  We are unbreakable even after graduated from high school, we still had lunch sometimes and well, we shop groceries too. hahaha 

Oh ya, we've been through lot of our First Time together too. Lol The 1st passenger that NEARLY get hurts by her, I meant physically. The scene in carpark is forever in my mind but I didn't blame her of course! =) the 1st passenger that scream and shout just because of a roundabout. (you need some historical context for this). =P Car broke down and we were stranded, staying at Starbucks waiting for his dad for few hours. She gave me my 1st roller skate experience, brought me to tried foods from different places, watched ghost movie like a boss and etc etc. There's too much to say. 

and now, today, she's leaving to US for 2 years +. That might sounds short for some of you, but is like ages for me. No one will come to fetch me to lunch and stop at another building ask me to walk, no one will ask me to accompany her to buy this and that, no one will watch horror movie like a boss with me, no one will drive up to kampar just to give surprise to a friend, no one will ask me to buy paul frank with her, no one will do the blur blur look to me, no one will take my camera and try to delete her candid photos, no one will capture all my stupid-look photo, no one will jio me  go mv just to eat Popeye with her, no one will do this and that with me for 2 years +. awwww.

We might not know each other super well, but we understand each other. We know we can count on each other whenever we have any problems. We know we will still keep in touch and will never lost contact because of the technology advancement though she'll be there for 2 years +! I will stay up to anytime to skype with her despite of the Huge time difference! See, I'm a Good Friend! =)

Today, I've surprised her at the airport with my appearance as I told her yesterday that I can't make it due to transport problem. We didn't cry like water pipe can't turn off but we know we will miss each other BADLY in this 2 years +. *perasan*

Friends For Life! <3

You know you still can whatsapp me, tweet me, fb inbox me, skype me anytime you feel down and need a listener. =) Don't be too blur at there and don't let others to bully you ah! You are allowed to cry anytime you want and laugh as much as you can. *whisper* you are allowed to stalk any guai lou too. lol 

Take Care ya Marissa Tham Sze Min aka Sasa! waiting to see you after 2 years! Don't ever forget me. >=)

Your 12 years and still counting Best Friend! =)

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