Friday, June 15, 2012

Surprise! =)

So, Marissa, Jia Zhen and I planned to give Jia Jue a surprise by going to Kampar on Wednesday (6th June 12) without informing her. HAHA we are so confidence and so proud of our plan.
So after my class, 3 starving zombie quickly head to kampar without any lunch or snacks. After around 1 1/2 hrs, FINALLY we reached KAMPAR! To make sure Jue doesn't know the surprise and we have to know where she is in the uni, I just made a stupid lie saying that my friend wants to find her to do some survey and wants to know where is she. Lol that's stupid lie but ya, she believed that! *thanks goodness*

We found her and tadaa! She's surprised!! *feel superb proud and successful* lol
She skipped her next class and accompany us to have lunch. aww =') 

 She's touched! =')

Camwhore in the car while waiting for the twins to buy the train tix. =)

Group Pichaaaaa! <3

Love ya so po! 
My shirt! BFF! =)

On the way back to KL. aww. Bye Jue! 
Take Care! =)

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