Saturday, June 2, 2012


So this is my new blog, but I'm not gonna abandon my old one. =)

The 1st post, I'm going to start with an emotional post.

Early morning, I woke up and as usual I grab my phone and read through the tweets and I saw the conversations of other friends with one of my friend in s'pore. I started to worried after read through part of their tweets, so I tweet my friend and asked if there's any bad news and unfortunately she told me his bf who's at UK that just went through an accident, can't make it. That's definitely a bad news to start off my day. I don't know how to comfort her because I know any words for now is not helping much but still I sent my deepest condolences to her and his family.

Recently there are lot of news of friend's relatives or family has passed away. This makes me think a lot today. Life is too short for you to enjoy, you can never expect what will happens on the next day or even the next sec. You can never enjoy everything in the world, but you can deffo enjoy your life to the max. In this case, my friend can't even stay by his side physically when he's gone, that's a regretful thing in the life when you can't accompany your loved one till the last moment of their life. Don't regret on what you've done, if you regret and if you can, try every reparation for that.
Well, I can only pray for the best and hope she can feel better soon. =)

Live Life while you can! =)

*btw, I'll try to update more often about my degree life in utar and something about my daily life.*

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