Saturday, June 16, 2012

Protect the Sea Turtles!

I just don't get it why people can be so cold blooded to eat this Adorbsss sea turtle! Ain't you know they are  struggling to live now? Even though they usually lay around 100 eggs at once, but only few or one of the 100 can survive till the adulthood. So, stop eating them and stop hunting them as well! They deserved a better life than that and we wouldn't want to wait till the day that you can't see any more of sea turtles but tons of rubbish or wastes in the sea.

Therefore, Please kindly sign this pledge " Sign This "to be a part of 100,000 to save the turtle! Banned from eating turtle eggs, they definitely deserve to be protected. =)

Lets save the environment!
Benefit you and the others! <3

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