Sunday, June 17, 2012

Nando's "We Grill Champion"

Morning! Hope you all have a lovely morning!
Put aside of the hazy weather, I did had a Good Time today! 

Was invited by to an event "We Grill Champion" held by Nando's Malaysia! Thanks for inviting! =)

Was looking for some "sporty outfit" so in the end I go for a plain tank top. haha *sporty*? 
Reached Paradigm Mall around 11am and we registered under "blogger" category. Well, I'm not a truly FULL TIME blogger but yeah, I'm a blogger. ;) 
The event was kick off by the energetic host - Terrence (if I didn't spell it wrongly) and his cantonese was "WOW" (Y)! He introduced the 3 SPECIAL GUEST *drum roll* BARCI (Africa Chicken), Macho Kai (Red) and Harry Kok (Green). I'm with the Green Team - Harry Kok!! *scream* lol 

I love Harry Kok as he looks humble, humorous, and he likes "short words", I think he likes the theory - KISS (Keep It Short and Simple). xD
Macho Kai is funny as well, especially with his special accent "talking about that ah~" LOL

We played some games to decide on who's the Winner, Macho Kai or Harry Kok.
Penalty Kick
Shuttlecock Game
Chicken Eating  

The shortest time to finish the Coke will be the winner! ;)

The Coke Drinking game has 2 winners, each of them get a goodies bag and a Canon DSLR! NICE! *regret for not drinking faster* hahaha

Later that, I go around and take pic with them and went to Pancake House for a light lunch as the coke really killed me in the half way. haha
Overall, a Good event! had much FUN with them!!
Thanks to Nando's Malaysia and!
Looking forward to more event in the future!
Barci and Harry Kok!! =D

Macho Kai and Me
Goodies Bag from Nando's and Coca-Cola!

Ciao! *assignment time*

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