Saturday, June 30, 2012

Nando's We Grill Champion Contest

Hiyaa my readers! hope you're doing good on everything. =)

So, this post is about a contest that I'm going to do.

This video is an introduction to Nando's "We Grill Champion" which I've introduced in my previous blog post. 
This contest is going to be a PHOTO contest, and what you have to do is watch the video of the week, take a photo of the theme on the selected week, put on a caption and send it to me! The BEST PHOTO of the week will be the winner. Isn't that sounds easy?

Watch this video 

Theme for this week: MUSIC
*take a photo of yourself playing any kind of music instrument with the most EPIC pose/expression*

Kindly send your EPIC photo(s) with captionFull Name and Email to before 8.00pm, 8 July 2012 Sunday. Any submission after 8.00pm will not be counted. Winner will be contact via email on 9 July 2012, Monday.

Prize for weekly winner: 1 x Nando's Peri Platter (for 4pax) worth RM62.


Terms & Conditions for this contest:-
1) This contest is open to all Malaysia residents only.
2) You have to be above 15 years old to enter this contest.
3) You can only submit at most 2 photos for each week.
4) After you have submitted the photo, please leave a comment "Yummy" under this post so that I know you have submitted the photo.
5) There is ONLY 1 winner each week.
6) Please submit your photo before the dateline.
7) Winners will be contact via email.
8) All decisions are final and indisputable. No correspondence or any form of enquiry or complaint will be entertained after the Contest ends.
9) By entering the contest, you are fully agree to and accept the terms and conditions set by the blogger.
10) Anyone that violated the terms and conditions, their submission will be forfeit. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Nando's "We Grill Champion"

Morning! Hope you all have a lovely morning!
Put aside of the hazy weather, I did had a Good Time today! 

Was invited by to an event "We Grill Champion" held by Nando's Malaysia! Thanks for inviting! =)

Was looking for some "sporty outfit" so in the end I go for a plain tank top. haha *sporty*? 
Reached Paradigm Mall around 11am and we registered under "blogger" category. Well, I'm not a truly FULL TIME blogger but yeah, I'm a blogger. ;) 
The event was kick off by the energetic host - Terrence (if I didn't spell it wrongly) and his cantonese was "WOW" (Y)! He introduced the 3 SPECIAL GUEST *drum roll* BARCI (Africa Chicken), Macho Kai (Red) and Harry Kok (Green). I'm with the Green Team - Harry Kok!! *scream* lol 

I love Harry Kok as he looks humble, humorous, and he likes "short words", I think he likes the theory - KISS (Keep It Short and Simple). xD
Macho Kai is funny as well, especially with his special accent "talking about that ah~" LOL

We played some games to decide on who's the Winner, Macho Kai or Harry Kok.
Penalty Kick
Shuttlecock Game
Chicken Eating  

The shortest time to finish the Coke will be the winner! ;)

The Coke Drinking game has 2 winners, each of them get a goodies bag and a Canon DSLR! NICE! *regret for not drinking faster* hahaha

Later that, I go around and take pic with them and went to Pancake House for a light lunch as the coke really killed me in the half way. haha
Overall, a Good event! had much FUN with them!!
Thanks to Nando's Malaysia and!
Looking forward to more event in the future!
Barci and Harry Kok!! =D

Macho Kai and Me
Goodies Bag from Nando's and Coca-Cola!

Ciao! *assignment time*

Saturday, June 16, 2012

I joined since 2 or 3 years ago and I feel grateful that I've joined this Awesome Social Media!! Nah, I'm not exaggerating. I've earn some pocket money by sharing campaigns from, and I've got some extra bonus such as prizes and invitation to some events! 

Got tickets for Tiger Asian Music Festival 2012

Got my 1st prize from - Jessie J Concert Tickets

A Thumbdrive of 

Feel tempting? Everything is just as easy as ABC.
Sign up by clicking this --> Sign Up 
then starts sharing and earning!!
Keep an eye on their facebook too
Good Luck! =)

Have a Great Weekends! <3

Protect the Sea Turtles!

I just don't get it why people can be so cold blooded to eat this Adorbsss sea turtle! Ain't you know they are  struggling to live now? Even though they usually lay around 100 eggs at once, but only few or one of the 100 can survive till the adulthood. So, stop eating them and stop hunting them as well! They deserved a better life than that and we wouldn't want to wait till the day that you can't see any more of sea turtles but tons of rubbish or wastes in the sea.

Therefore, Please kindly sign this pledge " Sign This "to be a part of 100,000 to save the turtle! Banned from eating turtle eggs, they definitely deserve to be protected. =)

Lets save the environment!
Benefit you and the others! <3

Friday, June 15, 2012

Surprise! =)

So, Marissa, Jia Zhen and I planned to give Jia Jue a surprise by going to Kampar on Wednesday (6th June 12) without informing her. HAHA we are so confidence and so proud of our plan.
So after my class, 3 starving zombie quickly head to kampar without any lunch or snacks. After around 1 1/2 hrs, FINALLY we reached KAMPAR! To make sure Jue doesn't know the surprise and we have to know where she is in the uni, I just made a stupid lie saying that my friend wants to find her to do some survey and wants to know where is she. Lol that's stupid lie but ya, she believed that! *thanks goodness*

We found her and tadaa! She's surprised!! *feel superb proud and successful* lol
She skipped her next class and accompany us to have lunch. aww =') 

 She's touched! =')

Camwhore in the car while waiting for the twins to buy the train tix. =)

Group Pichaaaaa! <3

Love ya so po! 
My shirt! BFF! =)

On the way back to KL. aww. Bye Jue! 
Take Care! =)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lovely Sunday

Finally have some time to update my 2nd post! sorry yeah.

Lets starts with what's happened on Sunday! around 1 or 2pm, my friend came to fetch me to a pastry shop for lunch but I don't know where's it, he just told me the name of the shop which is "肥死你", direct translate it means "Fat Die You". my 1st reaction was like "HUH?! A Pastry Shop with this name?!" Some more he told me that the shop is under Levain Boulangerie Patisserie, now that's even more weird. So we reached there and I see the name. Well, he CHEATED me! Lol the name is actually "Ficelle Boulangerie & Patisserie" and because it sounds like the "fat die you" in cantonese so he called it that way. =.= 
I've never been to Levain before so I don't know how's the interior design, foods and all sort of stuff but Ficelle is actually a comfortable place to hang out with friends or your partner, there're quite a lot of choices there as I took 10 mins to choose what I want to eat because those pastries are actually lot that attractive for me. So we have bought these: Chocolate Bioche, Almond Chocolate Tart (nice), some pudding, and a curry sausage bun. 

Curry Sausage Bun

Coffee Pudding

Ice Honey Lemon Tea

There is also other foods and beverages you can order there, lasagne, spaghetti and many more. The address is at the end of this post. =)

After that, we went to Putrajaya for some walk and enjoy the cooling environment there. If I have a car, there will definitely be the 1st place that I want to go whenever I feel down, is good to stay alone there to clear up your mind. =) 

Ficelle Boulangerie & Patisserie

Lot 11 - 0 -12, Jln 3/109 F,
Danau Business Centre,
Taman Danau Desa
Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia 58100
Operation hours: 08:00 - 21:00
Phone 03-7983 0211
Email Birthday Giveaway

are you wondering what's this pic above is about? come to have a short brief about this.
That's Birthday Giveaway and that's held annually, they're giving out bunch of Exciting and Cool prizes !! You should really head to their website to check out more about that. =) There are Macbook, concert tix, DSLR, Samsung S3, New iPad, groupon credits, vouchers and many many more. is the prizes moving you to know more?
Lets starts with creating an acc with 1st before you proceed further.
Sign up using this link " " and share at least a campaign a day and get more unique clicks everyday to get you more chances to win the GRAND PRIZE!

feel tempting? Get yourself started!

Leave a comment if you have some problems regarded to this or the website. ;)

Good Luck! =)

Saturday, June 2, 2012


So this is my new blog, but I'm not gonna abandon my old one. =)

The 1st post, I'm going to start with an emotional post.

Early morning, I woke up and as usual I grab my phone and read through the tweets and I saw the conversations of other friends with one of my friend in s'pore. I started to worried after read through part of their tweets, so I tweet my friend and asked if there's any bad news and unfortunately she told me his bf who's at UK that just went through an accident, can't make it. That's definitely a bad news to start off my day. I don't know how to comfort her because I know any words for now is not helping much but still I sent my deepest condolences to her and his family.

Recently there are lot of news of friend's relatives or family has passed away. This makes me think a lot today. Life is too short for you to enjoy, you can never expect what will happens on the next day or even the next sec. You can never enjoy everything in the world, but you can deffo enjoy your life to the max. In this case, my friend can't even stay by his side physically when he's gone, that's a regretful thing in the life when you can't accompany your loved one till the last moment of their life. Don't regret on what you've done, if you regret and if you can, try every reparation for that.
Well, I can only pray for the best and hope she can feel better soon. =)

Live Life while you can! =)

*btw, I'll try to update more often about my degree life in utar and something about my daily life.*