Thursday, December 27, 2012

Au Revoir Jack Jack!

Now the 3rd post about Jack Jack!! haha

Now I'm going to talk about some of the features of MX230. Let me bring you go through a short brief of MX230. MX230 is the new device launched by P1 and is a MiFi device. It has a sleek and lean design, the weight is lighter than you expected if based on the photo you see in the website, the size is small which is only like your palm size or maybe smaller because my palm is small. haha

MY Palm Size =)
Oh ya, I haven't talk about this in my previous posts which is the number of WiFi clients who can connect to the same device at the same time. For the MF230 device (you can check it through their website), there's 5 people who are allowed to connect to it and you feel amazed by this? Now for MX230, you can ask 7 friends of yours to connect to it at the same time which is 8 people included you are allowed to connect at the same time! Though I have not tried to let 7 people to "get close" with my Jack Jack but 3 friends of mine have connected to MX230 at the same time and the connnection is fast with 4 people using at the same time! In this modern society, people search for WiFi signal everywhere they go. With this, your friends will stick to you all the time and don't get freak out! LOL Sharing is Caring, apply it in your daily life ya! =P

Now, the battery life. MX230 can last for around 7 to 8 hours after a fully charged. For a internet heavy user like me who surf facebook, twitter and instagram everyday AND go out almost everyday, this is an average battery life for me. BUT for people who go out less than 8 hours a day, this is a nice one! *a friendly reminder: if you are going to put it in your pants pocket for more than 5 hours, you will feel a little heat so take it out and let it to "breathe"." =)

Here's some tips if you are going to get one or more MX230! You can now get some discounts by signing up to P1 "ToGo69" plan  by online and get an additional RM 50 rebate! ;)

Any enquiries about P1 or their MiFi devices, feel free to contact them through P1 MiFi or their official facebook page P1 Facebook !

I'm going to return Jack Jack to it's BIG owner tomorrow, so please allow me to say Au Revoir Jack Jack! I'm going to miss your everyday companion to everywhere I go. 

You can read my previous 2 posts about Jack Jack (P1 MiFi MX230) here:

Ciao! <3

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Jack Jack Round 2! ;)

So here's the 2nd post of Jack Jack! ;)

I brought Jack Jack with me all the time even I go out just for a meal. oops! I'm a heavy internet user and I think the time I look at my phone is more than I sleep in a day. haha I'm a modern style people eh? =P

We can see that people nowadays have a smartphone on their hands no matter where and when, WiFi is also on the top of everyone's travel or outdoor list, so a on-the-do wifi device is what you need now! and for me, I have Jack Jack with me. wheee~ ;D

I brought Jack Jack to uni, to class, to mamak, to supermarket, to breakfast lunch dinner supper, to facial, to mall and to everywhere I go. He's like my MUST-BRING thing when I go out other than my S3 and purse. I use the wifi to check in through foursquare, twitter, facebook and of course INSTAGRAM to capture everything (foods, scenery, friends, etc..). With Jack Jack, I can online at anywhere anytime. =)

Oh, I brought Jack Jack with me to JLo concert too! He doesn't needs a ticket, he's not drinks or any recording devices, so he went in to watch the concert with me! The signal is so good at Stadium Merdeka and I can constantly update the JLo amazing moment on my twitter during the concert. You can read my amazing J Lo experience here J Lo Dance Again World Tour 2012 in Malaysia . 

In uni, honestly the uni wifi is not that strong especially in particular floor but Jack Jack saved my life on the last few weeks of my 2nd semester. Besides that, I can carry Jack Jack to anywhere because of it's size too. He's like a new born baby in IT world, small size and light weight which easy for me to carry around and that's the purpose of on-the-go device isn't it?
Small and Light which I can fit it into my pocket. ;)

The signal is green even in the car! ;)

After I talked for so long, Jack Jack is actually a P1 latest launched device P1 MiFi MX230! You can now get Jack Jack's friends by signing up to P1 "ToGo69" plan and get additional RM 50 rebate if you sign up through online. =)

Any enquiries feel free to browse through their website P1 MiFi or their FB page P1 Facebook . ;D

Monday, December 10, 2012

My new friend - Jack Jack ;)


So after 2 weeks, I'm finally going to write about this!

Back to 2 weeks ago, my friend drove me to P1 office to get the one and only latest P1 MiFi MX230! I've been chosen to be 1 of the 15 lucky bloggers to review this small size modem. ;)

At that night, I unwrapped the box and start to download everything that is needed. I used few different modem before from "M", "D" and few more, so is not difficult for me to set up this little thing. To be honest, I was surprised by that time I got the MiFi on hand, it was smaller than I was expected because of the photo that I saw it on the group or the website. 

The design of P1 MiFi MX230 is kind of classic, the black and silver colours make the MiFi looks sleek and lean. The size is another highlight, is in a square shape (69mm x 69mm) and the thickness 13mm makes it easy to brings it with you everywhere you go. Of course with the amazing size, the weight is not going to let you down too, the 75grams MiFi won't makes you feel heavy or troublesome carries around. All these features are designed for the purpose of letting the users to use it on-the-go. ;)

*the name P1 MiFi MX230 is too long for me, so I'm going to give it a name - Jack Jack (no special reason, just feels like this name is cute and cool) =P *

The P1 MiFi MX230 is here!

the sleek design of MX230

Palm size which is suitable for on-the-go
You can now get this little cutie with the "ToGo 69" plan from P1 and get additional RM50 rebate by signing up online!

I'm going to talk about my hands on experience with Jack Jack in the next post! stay tuned! ;)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

J Lo Dance Again World Tour 2012 in Malaysia


Just 2 days before my birthday, mom got me 2 tickets to the One and Only J Lo (Jennifer Lopez) Dance Again World Tour 2012 in Malaysia! whoops!!

I dressed up lightly with a shorts and t-shirt, brought my purse, P1 MiFi, my S3 and the tickets to the concert. I thought is fine to wear slipper to there because in Stadium Merdeka I wouldn't step on the grass or mud BUT suddenly the rain strikes and I was under the rain for hours, so apparently I have to walk through the muddy grass outside the Stadium and I looked super awful on that day. =.=

My mood was spoiled because of the rain and I wasn't really into J Lo so we just find a spot and settle down to wait for the show to starts. The show was scheduled to starts at 8pm but just so you know Malaysia style, the show started at 9pm. From the place I sit, I can barely see the stage and there's some idiots that have glass for their 3 meals, standing in front and BLOCK the whole view. The 2 fellas in front of me dancing like they are in their house and my mood was totally spoiled. 

Put aside all those stupid fella and bad things, J Lo did gave us a GREAT performance at that night. Though she is in her 40s now but trust me, she is still attractive and sexy. Her dancing and singing are amazing, with the dancers on the stage, is like added the icing on the cake, makes the show nicer. One of the highlights of the night was her costumes, she changed 5/6 costumes in the 2 hours concert and her costumes are all so gorgeous, the sparkling sports attire, the catsuit, the blue long gown and few more. Another highlight of the night was the hot and breathe taking dance of J Lo with her boyfriend Casper Smart at the end of the concert with the encore song Dance Again. I screamed and was amazed when Casper appeared and dance with her in the last song of the night. ;D

*from Galaxy Group fb*

*from Galaxy Group fb*

*From Galaxy Group fb*
*From Galaxie Magazine fb*

Dance Again video recorded by Tian Chad, enjoy the encore song of the night and her dance with Casper! ;)

Well, I can say I had a great night with J Lo first concert in Malaysia and I would go if she's coming back again for another world tour. haha After the night, I realized I enjoy to be in a concert and feel the supportive screams of the crowd. I'm considering to go for another concert now, maybe Lee Hom concert next year? haha 

A night with screaming and shouting will makes you forget all those problems that bother you, so why not? spend a night with friends or your loved ones to relax yourself! ;)