Saturday, July 21, 2012

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises

Hiyaa!! I just watched Batman The Dark Knight rises on thursday with coursemates and broadcasting lecturer.

Well, this is the last movie of Batman series, and you know what? It's NICE! the plot is good, and Christian Bale is still as attractive as usual. There's 2 new character in this movie, Anne Hathaway Tom Hardy and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the lead actor in 500 Summers. aww. *fangirling* Lol

Christian Bale as the BATMAN of course, Anne Hathaway the Catwoman, Joseph the detective/Robin, and Tom Hardy the bad guy. This ep storyline is 8yrs after the Joker incident and Batman lock him
self in the Wayne Manor, he looks quite decadent in the front part of the movie. BUT he comes out as Batman again to save the world, just like the common storyline of those superheroes movie. 

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman

File:Bane Tom Hardy5.jpg
Tom Hardy as Bane
This last ep of batman series has creates lot of surprises and suspenses. what are those? I leave it for you to find out in cinema after you watch the movie. haha and a lil teaser, better watch the 2 ep before you go to cinema and watch this one, cuz you have to know some characters that have appeared before. 

Another selling point in this movie, the graphic? of course, but there's still some other thing that everyone MUST watch. The Batmobile! yup, the "tank" is here again! and you will see a new vehicle, Lamborghini Aventador! and a freaking DOPE motorcycle!


Lamborghini Aventador

A lil disappointment about the movie, the front part is quite draggy, it might drive you to the dreamland but bear with it, you will be wide awake after 1hr of the movie. I even forget to reply my friend's message because it's too good and stimulate your nerves until you can't be distracted. haha 
Go watch it in cinema, everyone! this is the last ep of Batman series! =)


  1. You honestly aren’t going to get any better than this when it comes to pure, summer entertainment, nor with superhero flicks. That is, until the new Superman flick graces the screen. However, this is Batman’s time to shine and he does it perfectly, especially for his last time with Nolan and Bale involved. Good review Vian.

  2. Dan O, thanks ya! appreciate that. =)
