Thursday, July 26, 2012

Knee Injured

This post contains of scary, frighten, uncomfortable contents, please be alert that people with heart problems, pregnant woman are bla bla bla bla bla.
ok, I'm just joking. BUT enjoy reading! haha

So basically, last wednesday I went for badminton with coursemates and unfortunately I sprained my knee. Well, that was a normal thing for me as this is quite unexplainable but my knee always suffers from cannot straighten it, like when I woke up, walk half way, any possible and silly way you can think of. It just happened naturally.

So for me, I thought this time is just like the old times, so I don't really take it seriously but the weird thing is it's getting pain and more pain as days pass by. I have a trip which we've planning earlier on Saturday, is like a farewell trip for Marissa as she's leaving to US next monday. On friday, I realize that my knee started to swollen and is quite obvious and definitely PAIN like hell. I was just hoping that it will gets better on the next day as I really really really extremely don't want to missed the trip. The worst thing happened. Around 12am, I gt to bed and wish to sleep early but the leg started to sore like nobody's business and when I tried to go get myself a water, I fall down and I realize I CAN'T EVEN STAND UP. the pain is too unbearable until I breakdown and started to burst out all my tears. I turning here and there trying to make myself feel better but apparently it doesn't works, so I just force myself to sleep and in a blink of an eye, the day is here.

Morning, I knew my condition, I can't go for the trip because I can't even walk properly, like nt even for a small step. So I told them I can't go which I feel so bad and upset bout that. Then my dad brought me to clinic. The doctor said my joint injured and he sucked out all those "bad blood" inside my knee and put bandage on my knee. I was advised not to walk too much so I was just like a handicap sitting there for the whole day facing the tv and lappie. Even bathe also took me like half an hour and I don't even know whether I'm bathing or sweating.

My poor knee

Now my bandage has been taken off and I feel FREE. though still a little swollen and have to go back on monday to suck out the remaining blood, but I'm glad that I feel better now. =)

Thanks to everyone who ask and wish me to recover soon. Love ya. <3

Good Day everyone! ;)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises

Hiyaa!! I just watched Batman The Dark Knight rises on thursday with coursemates and broadcasting lecturer.

Well, this is the last movie of Batman series, and you know what? It's NICE! the plot is good, and Christian Bale is still as attractive as usual. There's 2 new character in this movie, Anne Hathaway Tom Hardy and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the lead actor in 500 Summers. aww. *fangirling* Lol

Christian Bale as the BATMAN of course, Anne Hathaway the Catwoman, Joseph the detective/Robin, and Tom Hardy the bad guy. This ep storyline is 8yrs after the Joker incident and Batman lock him
self in the Wayne Manor, he looks quite decadent in the front part of the movie. BUT he comes out as Batman again to save the world, just like the common storyline of those superheroes movie. 

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman

File:Bane Tom Hardy5.jpg
Tom Hardy as Bane
This last ep of batman series has creates lot of surprises and suspenses. what are those? I leave it for you to find out in cinema after you watch the movie. haha and a lil teaser, better watch the 2 ep before you go to cinema and watch this one, cuz you have to know some characters that have appeared before. 

Another selling point in this movie, the graphic? of course, but there's still some other thing that everyone MUST watch. The Batmobile! yup, the "tank" is here again! and you will see a new vehicle, Lamborghini Aventador! and a freaking DOPE motorcycle!


Lamborghini Aventador

A lil disappointment about the movie, the front part is quite draggy, it might drive you to the dreamland but bear with it, you will be wide awake after 1hr of the movie. I even forget to reply my friend's message because it's too good and stimulate your nerves until you can't be distracted. haha 
Go watch it in cinema, everyone! this is the last ep of Batman series! =)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Groupon and SAYS

Wondering whats with the title? Groupon? SAYS? You all might know this 2 social media, but then what to do with them? 

Surprise revealed! They are now collab! SAYS is now on Groupon! You can now convert your earnings into Groupon credits. Sounds exciting isn't it? 

Find the sharp blue "Free Groupon Credits" in Says in Groupon and it will directs you to a brand new page in Groupon! 

This is the new page of SAYS in Groupon. =)
Log in using your SAYS account or sign up if you don't have one *You SHOULD now!*. Here's the link to sign up an account in SAYS --> You will find there's a "total earning" on the top left, that is your earnings on SAYS! You can choose to convert your SAYS earnings into Groupon credits but it has to wait for some time (1 to few days) for them to work on it, and you will receive an email informing you that your earnings have been converted. If you have encounter any problems regards of the process converting your earnings, please email SAYS to acknowledge them. After that, SHOP till you drop babe! 

Besides that, there will be campaigns for you to share, bear in mind that the more campaigns you share, the more earnings you can earn for your SAYS, and the more earnings to convert to your Groupon credits! Awesome right? Just share and earn! You can find more campaigns to share in .

To share, look out for those recommendations/campaigns available, spot the "share this", click it and share it to your facebook or/and twitter. 

Tadaaa! isn't that as easy as abc? Start sharing now, and shop at Groupon with GREAT deals such as getaway, foods, gadgets, spa, activities, etc..  

Get a SAYS and Groupon account now! =)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Free NEW Macbook Air(s)

Here's some contest for you by! ;)

Wondering why NEW Macbook Air (s)? because you can win one for you and your friend! #dream

1st, you must own a facebook account! (I don't think this is a tough task. Right?? xD)
2nd, share this on your fb and tag at least 5 friends! You can tag as many as you can, it can helps you to increase your chances to win!
3rd, get as many friends as you can to share the link and tag 5 friends, just like how you do. =)

Here's the link! 

This contest is opens to all residents in India, Philippines, Australia, Singapore and Malaysia, age 18 or older at the time of entry!
This contest ends on 11.59pm 31 July 2012, Tuesday (GMT +8.00)

Good Luck!! =D

Friday, July 13, 2012

Nando's We Grill Champion Contest (Week 2)

Watch this video:

Theme for this week: Sports
*take a photo of yourself playing any kind of sports with the most EPIC pose/expression*

Kindly send your EPIC photo(s) with caption, Full Name and Email to before 10.00pm, 15 July 2012 Sunday. Any submission after 10.00pm will not be entertained. Winner will be contact via email on 16 July 2012, Monday.

Prize for weekly winner: 1 x Nando's Peri Platter (for 4pax) worth RM62.


Terms & Conditions for this contest:-
1) This contest is open to all Malaysia residents only.
2) You have to be above 15 years old to enter this contest.
3) You can only submit at most 2 photos for each week.
4) After you have submitted the photo, please leave a comment "Yummy" under this post so that I know you have submitted the photo.
5) There is ONLY 1 winner each week.
6) Please submit your photo before the dateline.
7) Winners will be contact via email.
8) All decisions are final and indisputable. No correspondence or any form of enquiry or complaint will be entertained after the Contest ends.
9) By entering the contest, you are fully agree to and accept the terms and conditions set by the blogger.
10) Anyone that violated the terms and conditions, their submission will be forfeit.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sepang Gold Coast Getaway

Finally after a hectic week with assignments and proposal due date, I'm FREE for at least a day, intro to mass comm test on monday. *feel the stress*

So, I'm going to talk about the Sepang Gold Coast getaway which is on last 2 weeks. That was a great place to relax your body and mind. Put aside all those nuisance on that depressed week, I did enjoy my night spent at there. Reached there and we're welcomed by a nice pic- the sea. I love beach so much and the sea is pretty beautiful, wish I could just jump in there and have fun with the sea. Everything is nice there but the weather is superb HOT, remember to bring your shades, hat, and sunscreen. =) 

Gold Palm Tree Villas

Tired me and sis
We lived in Golden Palm Tree villa. Well, I love their service, the hotel steward/stewardess are friendly. =) Once I step into the villa, I feel like living there for few more days. 2+1 rooms inside the villa, 1 master bedroom, 2 single bed bedroom and 1 study room. We settled down everything and drive to the to town to get some nice foods. We had seafood for our dinner and went to supermarket to buy some drinks and snacks since we have nothing to do in the villa. 

Our Villa
Master Bedroom

We have nothing much to do in the villa, astro is the only entertainment provided but I was enjoying the night with laptop and my fav orange juice. The 1st time I experienced a blackout in a trip was this one. lol sleep until 3 something and I feel super hot so I woke up and see, the whole villa is in the dark and the scary thing is that there's raining heavily outside. The storm is looking scary, is like it's going to strike any villa anytime and the wind is too strong for us to go outside and see what's happening. Tbh, I once have a thought that the sea is going to EAT us alive but dad called to the front desk and a guy finally came and fix it. phew, we are safe *of course*. 

2nd day- We had breakfast at a food court in town and back to villa to pack our stuff and check out. My 2 sisters and I played Go-Cart at there too! Deffo a nice experience, gonna play it again next time! Before we leave, we stopped at Hai Yew Heng to try their famous pau. No doubt that's nice, I reckon you all to eat if you are there. =)

Go Cart
Hai Yew Heng
My small sis and I