Sunday, November 3, 2013

Phone Scam from kononnya "AMBANK"

SO! here's a serious post. Well, you can read it with a relax mind and mood but I really want to share this experience with everyone.

The whole thing started at 28 Oct 2013 (Thurs) around 4.30pm, I was in uni editing a video with friends and I received a call from +1300808888. Without hesitation as I think is just a call so I answered and a machine-automated voice said there's a transaction of RM3000+ performed from my AmBank credit card on that day so I talked to the operator on the phone and not kidding, I was panic as I don't know what's going on and that's not a small amount. I'm sure I've not apply any credit card or whatsoever and at that time I not sure whether the AmBank account I opened when I was so young still exist or not. I explained everything I heard just now to the operator and he said according to the computer data, I've applied a credit card around August at KL using my name and IC, they called me this time because the transaction amount is big. The MOST shocking thing I heard from the operator is that I've accumulated RM6000+ since August. At that moment I was like "damn that person who used my name and IC!" I asked the operator what can I do if that's not me who make that transaction, and he asked me to call Bank Negara Malaysia. So I called the number he gave me and still the same, an electronic automated voice asked me to choose the language, so I chose English but when the phone operator at BNM answered the call, he speak BM. At that moment I didn't suspect anything, I was panic and pissed off so I explained everything again to the BNM phone operator. He told me he will call me later and the conversation later will be recorded as evidence in the court. He took my details then ended the call. I was worried and panic so I called my mom and explain the whole story AGAIN, surprisingly she was rather calm and in the end of our conversation she told me not to answer any anonymous call later because that's phone scam! Honestly, I was "ding"! enlightened at the moment when "phone scam" came out in the conversation. I checked with my mom about my AmBank Acc but she said I've cancelled it long time ago. I remained quiet for few sec and ended the call. I checked online on BNM phone number but as expected is not the number the "AMBANK" guy gave me. I check the number he gave me 03-27885082, and tadaaa! That't definitely not the number of BNM. I felt so dumb dumb for being fooled and even made the call. =.=

So how dp I know that's a phone scam? I saw a post when I searched the "fake BNM number" --> Another Case , I read and it's exactly the same as what I've experienced just now. The only thing that is different is that the guy didn't call me again for the "recorded conversation". You all can read the whole thing in the website I found.

Now that when I think of what I've heard that time, the 2 "phone operators" sound the same. I feel so super duper stupid after the whole thing. Lol I'm still so glad that I called my mom.

So people, be careful not to expose any personal details to any anonymous person. I've heard and see lot of phone scam cases before, even my parents told me to be careful but seriously I was so unaware when I was the victim.

Share this to everyone you know, on facebook/twitter/instagram/myspace/blog/face to face. Just share it because there's already many cases from the same call.

Stay safe!