Wednesday, July 3, 2013

White House Down

I was invited to White House Down premiere screening last week and know what? The movie is awesome and Channing Tatum is extremely HOT! haha

So here's the synopsis for the movie:-

Capitol Policeman John Cale (Channing Tatum) has just been denied his dream job with the Secret Service of protecting President James Sawyer (Jamie Foxx).  Not wanting to let down his little girl with the news, he takes her on a tour of the White House, when the complex is overtaken by a heavily armed paramilitary group.  Now, with the nation’s government falling into chaos and time running out, it's up to Cale to save the president, his daughter, and the country.

This movie is directed by Roland Emmerich who's known for his works on the big screen worldwide "Independence Day" "The Day After Tomorrow" "10,000 BC" and "2012", so you can expect this movie to be a good one and it won't let you down. 

Before I watch WHD, I heard from others that this movie is similar to Olympus Has Fallen which released not long ago this year. Though I have not watched Olympus before so I wasn't really know what's going to shown on screen but if you've watched Olympus before and find it nice, perhaps this is a good movie for you too!

For me, I was kinda excited to see Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx worked together in a movie, I wonder what kind of chemistry are they going to show in WHD. By watching at the trailer, it doesn't really attracts me but maybe this is the reason I find this movie is nice, it surprised me in the cinema instead of the movie trailer. This is an action movie but it doesn't keeps it consistent tone until the end of the movie, Jamie Foxx was chosen to be in this movie for a reason and I think Emmerich carried out that point successfully as President Sawyer (Jamie Foxx) has cracked few jokes in the movie and that's a highlight of the movie. It makes the audience to chill their mind for a bit from those adrenaline rush scenes and it portrayed that the President is a human too with some humorous side of him (the Air Jordan scene is unforgettable xD). Both John and President Sawyer might look like they are from a totally different world as one is the President of America whereas John is just a guy who wants a stable job but actually they are no difference in the way that they are both father to their lovely daughters. At the end of the day, they did all for the people around them, to protect them and make them proud, the nations and the daughters. 

Channing Tatum!! (the best looking bodyguard ever) haha

President Sawyer (do you think he looks good in specs?)

The cool President ;)

no caption *so awesome*

The great duo

*p/s: how good if I have a father/bodyguard like Channing Tatum* haha =P

Overall I'd give a rating of 3/5. ;)

SO, wonder how I always get to watch premiere screening or free tix to watch movies?
Just go to KLIPS  Malaysia and register yourself there! It's FREE! 

What is KLIPS? 

KLIPS is Malaysia’s movie community where users connect to rate, review, watch trailers and earn free movie tickets to the latest movies. We want to bring Malaysian movie goers together to one place where they can get the best of the latest local and international movies.

Seen those kind of sites before.
What makes you different?
We pay for your movie tickets!
No one else does that. (Trust me, they did a good job in this! haha)

What can I do on KLIPS?
-Now that’s a superb question.
You may..
(1) Rate and review movies
(2) Add and curate links, posters, and trailers to movie pages
(3) Share movies you like on your social networks
(4) Win free movie tickets!

Ohh nice!
How can I get these free tickets?
-First, look for movies with the golden “FREE PASSES!” ribbon. They are located all over the site.
Alternatively, you can follow us on Twitter (@klipsmalaysia) or Facebook (KLIPS) and be notified whenever we have new movie tickets to give away.

There are two ways to score tickets:
(1) Express your interest in a particular movie by sharing the movie on your social networks.
You earn one chance for every unique visit.
(2) Answer a super quick and easy poll and earn ten chances on the spot.
Winners are chosen based on lucky draw until all tickets have been given out. Meaning, it’s a fair game, the more chances you have in the pool, the higher your chances of winning.

How can I help?
Aww, you’re really sweet. We are happy enough just to have you on board with us but if you insist, you could contribute by telling and inviting everyone you know to join the KLIPS community in every way humanly possible.

What if I want première screenings instead?
Lucky for you, we recently rolled out KLIPS+. Request an invite to join KLIPS+ and you’ll be given invitations to premiere screenings, media-only screenings, private parties, and more. If you are a blogger too,  this is just so nice for you! ;)

This is great.
Now tell me how to get on board!
Get started by typing or copying onto your browser, log in, and you are good to roll!

Now, share it to your friends and enjoy the movies together! ;)


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