Sunday, May 19, 2013



So I was MIA for sooooo long and I'm sorry bout it. haha but don't worry, I'm back and Imma bring some good news for you!

I was invited to watch the press screening of Hummingbird last week and I was actually surprised by the movie time they (KLIPS) told me which is at 10.30am, can you see that? is 10 in the MORNING! but thanks god I was in my sem break so I asked one of my friends to accompany me or maybe more like I treat him a free movie eh? haha either way is good to kill some free time during sem break tho and we did enjoy the morning. ;)

Lets me do a short review about the movie "Hummingbird"!

Here's the storyline (from KLIPS)
- Living homeless after going on the run from a military court-martial. Joey Jonas is a damaged ex-special forces soldier trapped in London's criminal world, but when opportunity enables him to assume another another man's identity, his is transformed into an avenging angel.

The director for this movie is Steven Knight, he's actually a British screenwriter and he's best known for screenplays he wrote for Dirty Pretty Things and Eastern Promises. Hummingbird is his directorial debut and honestly, it was kinda different from other thriller/suspense movie that we watched before and as a debut film that directed by him, is acceptable. Well, you just have to learn every skills when you are in the media industry, like what I'm doing now! ;)

I was expecting more action as Jason Statham is the leading role in it but it turned out to be a movie that everything move in a slow pace, they did not rush or makes you to have that kind of "oh! he is going to die!" feeling just like the few mins of silence in the beginning of the movie. but put aside of all those slow pace stuff, this movie did portrayed the life in England and the common underground crimes (drugs dealing) but is still kinda disappointing that this movie isn't the best of all, just that is something different from other movies. Overall, I think Steven Knight can comes out with a movie better than this.

Now I'm excited and anticipating for other première screening invitation from KLIPS! Epic, Monsters Uni, Man of Steel and a lot of other great movies!
Now the question, so,

What is KLIPS? 

KLIPS is Malaysia’s movie community where users connect to rate, review, watch trailers and earn free movie tickets to the latest movies. We want to bring Malaysian movie goers together to one place where they can get the best of the latest local and international movies.

Seen those kind of sites before.
What makes you different?
We pay for your movie tickets!
No one else does that. (Trust me, they did a good job in this! haha)

What can I do on KLIPS?
-Now that’s a superb question.
You may..
(1) Rate and review movies
(2) Add and curate links, posters, and trailers to movie pages
(3) Share movies you like on your social networks
(4) Win free movie tickets!

Ohh nice!
How can I get these free tickets?
-First, look for movies with the golden “FREE PASSES!” ribbon. They are located all over the site.
Alternatively, you can follow us on Twitter (@klipsmalaysia) or Facebook (KLIPS) and be notified whenever we have new movie tickets to give away.

There are two ways to score tickets:
(1) Express your interest in a particular movie by sharing the movie on your social networks.
You earn one chance for every unique visit.
(2) Answer a super quick and easy poll and earn ten chances on the spot.
Winners are chosen based on lucky draw until all tickets have been given out. Meaning, it’s a fair game, the more chances you have in the pool, the higher your chances of winning.

How can I help?
Aww, you’re really sweet. We are happy enough just to have you on board with us but if you insist, you could contribute by telling and inviting everyone you know to join the KLIPS community in every way humanly possible.

What if I want première screenings instead?
Lucky for you, we recently rolled out KLIPS+. Request an invite to join KLIPS+ and you’ll be given invitations to premiere screenings, media-only screenings, private parties, and more. If you are a blogger too,  this is just so nice for you! ;)

This is great.
Now tell me how to get on board!
Get started by typing or copying onto your browser, log in, and you are good to roll!

Now, I've told you some great ways to score movie tix, don't keep it to yourself, sharing is caring! So, share it to your friends as well! ;)

Cheers! ;)