Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thank You! ;)

While I'm in the process of writing a life lesson post, I've decided to write a short thank you post for one of the important people in my life.

I always received lot of letters or packages from different company for those competition I had participated in but today, I've received a special letter from a friend who stays 9222.1 miles from me and that means a lot to me seriously. When I saw the word "Lincoln" and the stamp, I know is her. =)

She WROTE the letter by hand and 3 meaningful charms are attached with the letter. Just like the 1st sentence in the letter, I'm really surprised by the presence of the letter by her. haha
She gave a lot of supports during my hard times especially few weeks ago. She is also my listener, my Best Friend Forever, my sister from another mother, a special person in my life. =)

Know what? I will never let her go. hahaha sounds so gay but this is true, I can't imagine what will happens if I lost any friends because they really mean a lot to me and they are the one the give me motivation and inspiration everytime when I'm lost. 

Thanks a lot Marissa aka orang utan aka so po! ;)

2 months ago I wrote this Bye Sasa and now I write this for you. Words can't describe how much I love my friend and of course my BFF! Stay happy too and take care of yourself at there!! Play hard, Work hard also ya! ;)

Letters and Charms ;)



 *remember this for life* ;)